Brian McTavish


Administrative Council- The Church Council’s purpose is to plan a program of nurture, outreach, and witness for the local church. Upon discerning the program of Nurture, Outreach, and Witness they then look at implementing the plan for ministry. The Church Council provides an administrative infrastructure as well as evaluates the effectiveness of the plan of ministry. As a member of the Church Council you will be expected to attend meetings at least once a month in addition to annual retreats for planning and visioning. Persons who serve on the church council do so for one year and should be professing members of the West Decatur Charge. 


Chair- Larry Lumadue

Secretary- Denise Minarchick

General Treasurer – Gladys Straw



Board of Trustees - The board of trustees is vested with the authority to manage the property and facilities of the congregation. This includes the routine maintenance of building and grounds. They serve as consultant to the church council on legal matters, insurance, and anything otherwise related to the physical property of the church. As a member of the Trustees you will be expected to attend meetings at least once a month in addition to occasional planning retreats. Persons who serve on the board of trustees do so for a continuous three year period and do not have to be professing members of the West Decatur Charge.


Chair - Vacant          

Sectretary - Sue Carem

Treasurer - Vacant


Finance Committee - The purpose of the committee on finance is to identify, perfect and manage the finance system for the congregation. The finance system is the processes of raising, managing, and dispersing the finances so that the mission and vision of the congregation can be achieved. The committee on finance is responsible for creating a budget for the ministry of the congregation and for developing a plan to raise adequate funds in support of the congregation’s needs, both routine and special. The finance committee serves as the consultant to the church council on financial matters.  As a member of the finance committee you will be expected to meet at least once a month as well as numerous times throughout the church year for visioning/planning. Persons who serve on the committee on finance do so for a continuous three year period and should be professing members of the West Decatur Charge.



Staff Parish Relations Committee - The Staff Parish Relation Committee’s purpose is to assist in explaining the nature and function of ministry to the staff and the congregation. The committee relates to all staff like that of a personnel office or Human Resources department in other organizations. They confer with the congregation and the staff/pastor about ministry direction, assess the ministry of the congregation and the staff/pastor at least annually. They identify and support individuals from the congregation whom God seems to be calling for ordained ministry. The SPRC also makes recommendations regarding compensation, travel, benefits, and housing to the church council, while also recommending needed staff positions and develop written job descriptions and titles for associate pastors and staff. Persons who serve on the staff parish relations committee do so for a continuous three year period and must be a member of the West Decatur Charge.


Worship Team - This committee will meet monthly to plan for the worship service in both Calvary and Rock.